Harvest Festival and Non-Uniform Day Posted on: 15 Oct 2020
In these unprecedented times, we find ourselves unable to hold our traditional Harvest Festival assembly. At this time of year, we usually take time to be thankful for what we have and share this with our local community.
We would be grateful if, this year, you would consider donating directly to the Key Project’s Foodbank, Key 2 Life. Demand for their services has risen 400% in the last six months. Financial donations can be made online at https://keyproject.org.uk/donate/ In-person donations will be accepted between 10:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday at The Library, Boldon Lane, South Shields NE34 OLY.
If you wish to share a photo of your donation, please upload to TEAMS via your Form class team or email to [email protected]. If you are unable to donate to the Key Project, please consider putting something in your local food bank donation point if you are able. These can usually be found in supermarkets near the tills.
On Friday 23rd October 2020, the whole school will have a non-uniform day, with a suggested donation of £1.00 in aid of the Key Project. Students who have PE on this day will still need to wear their core Academy PE kit, but they can wear their own hoodies, on this day. We must point out that, although students are not required to wear school uniform, they must be dressed modestly and appropriately (no midriffs on show etc) as is the norm on non-uniform events. Minimal makeup is permitted; baseball caps or hoods will not be allowed to be worn inside the building.
Thank you for your continued support of all our charitable activities and especially this traditional Christian festival that can make a small difference to the lives of young people and the homeless, not least because it shows them that the wider community still cares.
J E Crowe