Harvest Festival Worship Posted on: 1 Oct 2021

On Friday 15th October 2021, we are pleased to be able to hold our annual whole school Worship Assembly to celebrate Harvest Festival. As part of this celebration, we will be collecting goods donated by students and staff to distribute to the South Tyneside Churches KEY Project. Students have been strongly in favour of supporting our local community, so we have decided to give all of our donations to a charity that works in our local area.

If you are able, we would be very grateful if you could please provide your child with some items to contribute to our collection. Suitable contributions include tinned foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, and other grocery items such as cleaning products, toiletries and sanitary protection. Any donation will be gratefully received.

Students can bring non-perishable goods into school from Monday 4th October and perishable goods from Thursday 14th October and should leave them in the Library during registration or break time (11:15am – 11:30am).

Thank you very much for your continued and generous support of all our charitable activities; this traditional Christian festival has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of young people and the homeless, not least because it shows them that the community still cares about them.