Reporting Absence
First Day Absence
Parents/carers should text the the Attendance Officer on 07975006988 to inform a child’s absence. A text messaging service is also available via the MyEd app
The Attendance Officer will add a comment on the attendance register when such information is received.
The Attendance Officer will run an attendance report at 10.30 am each day to identify any absence where parents/carers have not contacted school. Contact will be made to these parents/carers via phone before lunchtime. Where contact has not been possible, a text message is sent. Where students are deemed to be vulnerable, calls relating to their absence will be prioritised, and the Attendance Monitoring Officer will be notified if a valid reason for absence is not obtained.
Students who have poor attendance at school, without medical reason, may be visited at home by a member of staff.
Continued Unreported Absence
If contact has not been made with the exception of students identified as vulnerable, and a note has not been received, the Academy will request that a home visit is made by either the Pastoral Lead / Inclusion Support Assistant or the Attendance Monitoring Officer; this is to ensure that the child is seen.
If no communication is received, we will contact home or other contacts provided.
If your child is going to be absent for more than 2 days then you must contact the academy again.
Pupils are expected to catch up on all work missed.
The Attendance Policy (including Sixth Form Attendance Policy) can be accessed via the link below: