Limited School Opening Posted on: 23 Mar 2020

Limited School Opening

Information for parents / carers who are eligible to send their children to school during the forced closure period.

Senior Staff have been in contact with all parents / carers who are eligible to continue to send their children to school. These are:

• Parents / carers who are ‘key workers’ (as defined by the DFE)
• Children classified as ‘vulnerable’
• Children with Education and Health Care Plans

If you / your child does not fall into at least one of these groups then please do not send your child to school.

The school will be only be open from Tuesday 24th March to students whose parents / carers are from the groups above and have been contacted by the Senior Staff to confirm their attendance.

Arrangements for students attending school:

• School Uniform must be worn
• Please come onto site between 8.45am and 9am. You will be directed to your room by staff on arrival where a register will be taken
• The school day will be between 9am and 2.45pm
• Students will have access to IT facilities and will work on the tasks set by teachers for all students. No lessons will be taught
• Rooms will be set out to observe social distancing guidelines of keeping 2 metres distance between students
• Students will have a 15 minute break and 30 minute lunch break each day. The timings of these will be staggered in order to minimise the chances of transmission between students
• Normal standards of conduct will be expected and any infringements will be followed up in the usual way
• Students are expected to bring their own packed lunch and drink. There will be no canteen facilities available
• Students are expected to bring their own equipment. There will be no sharing of equipment in order to minimise the risk of transmission
• Students travelling by public transport should observe social distancing rules and sit apart from others

Government advice remains to stay at home. This service should only be used if absolutely essential. If for any reason your child is unable to attend the school then please email the main office at [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support