Pupil Reports Available Posted on: 22 Nov 2017

The Autumn Data and Attitude to Learning Report is now available for viewing online for Years 7 -12, via your Go4Schools parental login.  This shows your child’s Attitude to Learning within each subject studied and their current grade, based on key assessments. Please note: Year 10 English classes have only received assessments on the Language element of the course at this point; hence no grade for literature is currently shown.

Minimum Expected and Target Grades – KS3 and KS4

The report contains a Minimum Expected Target and Target Grade for each subject, with the exception of core PE at Key stage 3.  All targets are set for the end of this academic year, with the exception of vocational Key Stage 4 courses, which are end of course targets.

Minimum Expected and Target Grades – Sixth Form

The report contains a Minimum Expected Target (MEG) and Target Grade for each subject. All targets are end of course targets, however the Year 12 MEG and Target Grade will be reviewed in January 2018, when national performance tables are available from the DFE.

Detailed information regarding the grading system and the target setting process can be found here:



The attendance information shown in this report is also of vital importance; year after year we see that the pupils who achieve academic success are those who have attended regularly. Even the occasional day or half-day missed from school can significantly affect progress.

Behaviour Information KS3 and KS4

The report also shows behaviour information, which is a record of the number of incidents (points) recorded for your child.  Positive points could be awarded for a number of reasons including good work in class, helping others or contributing well to a lesson.  Negative points might be recorded for example, for off task behaviour, homework not being handed in or poor behaviour outside of the classroom.

Accessing your Child’s Report

A guide to accessing the report in Go4Schools can be found here:


If you wish to discuss the content of this report, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Learning/Head of Sixth Form via the Main Academy Office.