Academy Vision and Values

The Academy aims to develop its spiritual ethos in accordance with Christian principles and values. The Academy will work in partnership with the Church at Parish, Deanery and Diocesan level and under the guidance of the Church of England.

The Academy aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality.  It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of a spiritual dimension in our lives.

It will support the development of moral values and of a rich and fulfilling spiritual life for all. It will support those of Christian faith within the context of Christian belief and practice and will respect and encourage those of other faiths and no faith.

Our Vision


Excellence for All:    A community of hope and aspiration, enabling all to flourish

At Whitburn Church of England Academy, we believe that every one of us in our community is unique and of value. Each of us has a contribution to make to our community as we work together for the flourishing of all. Christians believe that God gives each of us ‘a hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11). We are respectful of the hopes of others and we encourage one another to aspire to be the best that we can be, today and in the future.

Inspired by the words of Oscar Romero, we ‘aspire not to have more but to be more’. Together, as we develop our unique gifts and talents, we grow into the people we were created to be. We learn from one another and work together to play our part in building a flourishing community. We aspire to have the courage to make a difference, and carry hope to the wider world.


Our Values


Our ‘Be Values’ are shown in the table below. Information about the basis of these and what these mean to our school community can be found here.

Christian Values Whitburn ‘Be Values’
Compassion Be Kind
Creation Be Creative, Be Inspired
Endurance Be Patient, Be Courageous, Be Resilient
Forgiveness Be Forgiving
Friendship Be a Good Friend
Hope Be Hopeful, Be Confident
Humility Be Humble
Justice Be Fair
Koinonia (Fellowship) Be part of Our Community, Be Inclusive, Be a Team Player
Peace Be Peaceful
Reverence Be Respectful
Service Be Helpful, Be a Light of the World
Thankfulness Be Grateful, Be Joyful
Trust Be Trusting
Wisdom Be Wise, Be a Learner, Be Outstanding