About Us
Whitburn Church of England Academy is one of the regions’ highest performing schools with a long track record of developing our young people with the skills, aspirations and confidence to reach their full potential. Backed up by excellent examination results, we are consistently oversubscribed. Staff development is key to this success and we have an established tradition of ‘growing our own’. In the last 3 years alone, 6 of our trainees have joined us a full time teaching members of staff.
We are the sole provider of School Led Initial Teacher Training in the South Tyneside / North Sunderland area. Our Accredited ITT provider from 2024 is Sunderland University. We work closely with them and our partner schools to deliver an exciting and innovative programme to ensure our trainees are ‘profession ready’ and able to make a flying start to their careers. If you would like to find out more, please contact Chris Shaw via the main academy office.